cleaning services in Kansas City Professional Cleaning Services

Recurring House Cleaning for Thanksgiving Preparations


Preparing for Thanksgiving with Recurring House Cleaning

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, there’s no doubt that you’re eagerly looking forward to spending time with family and friends, preparing ideas for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, and creating unforgettable memories. While it’s a time for gratitude and celebration, it’s also a time when your home can become a bit chaotic. But worry not, because we’ve got the perfect solution to help you breeze through the Thanksgiving preparations and keep your home in tip-top shape: recurring house cleaning. In this blog, we will explore and help you understand the concept of recurring house cleaning, and discover the benefits of incorporating this service into holiday seasons and maybe even all year long!

Understanding Recurring House Cleaning

Recurring house cleaning is a scheduled and regular cleaning service provided by professional cleaning companies. Unlike one-time deep cleaning, recurring cleaning focuses on maintaining the cleanliness and order of your home on an ongoing basis. Here’s what you should know:

Customized Cleaning:

A recurring cleaning service can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning, you can choose a schedule that fits your lifestyle.

Professional Expertise:

Cleaning professionals have the knowledge and equipment to clean your home thoroughly. They can tackle challenging tasks and ensure your home remains in pristine condition.


Regular cleaning services free up your time, allowing you to focus on more important things. This is particularly valuable during the busy holiday season. This is your chance to show off and prepare your Thanksgiving desserts!

Cleaning Preparation for Thanksgiving

There’s a lot of preparation for Thanksgiving including the food to be served, time of cooking and especially cleaning your home. Let’s talk about the details of Thanksgiving preparation and how recurring house cleaning can be essential to making your house guest-ready.

cleaning preparation for cleaning

Deep Cleaning:

 In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, it’s a good idea to schedule a deep cleaning session before your recurring house cleaning service. This will set the stage for easier maintenance and make your home feel fresh and inviting.

Kitchen Focus:

A recurring cleaning service can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning, you can choose a schedule that fits your lifestyle.

Guest Areas:

The dining and living areas are where guests will gather. Dusting, vacuuming, and polishing surfaces are essential for creating a welcoming atmosphere. If you have carpets, consider a pre-holiday carpet cleaning service for a fresh, clean look.

Bathroom Check:

Don’t forget to have your bathrooms cleaned thoroughly. Replace any old towels with fresh ones and ensure the toilet, sink, and shower are immaculate.

Guest Room Readiness:

If you have overnight guests, ensure their room is clean, tidy, and stocked with fresh linens and essentials. Consider adding some new designs to the guest room this year. Take a look at stylish modern Thanksgiving decor for some great ideas.


In the midst of Thanksgiving preparations, things tend to get cluttered. Regular cleaning helps keep clutter at bay, making it easier to organize your home and set a beautiful table for your guests.

Understanding Recurring House Cleaning

Once the festivities are over, you’ll likely feel exhausted, and the last thing you want to do is clean up. This is where your recurring house cleaning service truly shines. They can tackle the post-Thanksgiving cleanup, ensuring your home returns to its pre-holiday state. They’ll take care of the wiping down surfaces, and handle any remaining mess, so you can relax and recover from the holiday festivities.

At My Elite Clean, we understand the importance of a clean home and the peace of mind it brings. Our professional cleaners provide top-notch service, ensuring your home is always guest-ready. Contact us today to learn more about our recurring house cleaning options and make this Thanksgiving stress-free and unforgettable for you and your loved ones. With a clean and welcoming home, you’ll have more time to savor the joys of the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!
Needed more cleaning tips for this holiday season check out our blog, Why Hire Cleaning Services Before the Holiday Season?


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House Cleaning vs Deep Cleaning


House Cleaning VS. Deep Cleaning

As a professional house cleaning service provider and a mom, I understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy living environment for your family.When it comes to cleaning, there’s often confusion about the difference between regular house cleaning and deep cleaning. 

What exactly is the difference between the two cleaning services? Is one better than the other? Making a decision can be overwhelming, especially if it’s a choice between two good options. In this blog, we will explore the differences and help you make an informed decision when choosing the right cleaning approach for your needs.

cleaning equipment use for house cleaning and deep cleaning

Understanding the Difference Between House Cleaning and Deep Cleaning

House Cleaning:

House cleaning is your regular, day-to-day cleaning routine. It involves tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and sanitizing surfaces. It is perfect for busy households that need to stay on top of day-to-day messes, especially when you have kids or pets.

Deep Cleaning:

On the other hand, is a more intensive and thorough cleaning process. It focuses on areas that are often not included in regular house cleaning. Deep cleaning involves tasks like scrubbing grout, cleaning inside appliances, washing windows, and disinfecting high-touch surfaces.

House Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning

There are various benefits for your home and family from regular house cleaning and deep cleaning. Understanding the advantages of house cleaning and deep cleaning will help you save time and money while ensuring that your house is always in the finest possible shape.

Consistency and Presentable Home:

If you want a consistently clean and welcoming home, regular house cleaning is perfect for your needs. It prevents the buildup of dust, allergens, and germs, promoting a healthier living environment.

Busy Lifestyles:
If your life is too busy between your job, managing your own business,  I know that most of us also have to balance household chores and taking care of our families. House cleaning is ideal for busy households that don’t have time for frequent deep cleaning but want a tidy home.
Man have an allergies and needs house cleaning and deep cleaning.
Seasonal Cleaning:
If you’re one of the 50 million Americans who have seasonal allergies, keep your house clean and your allergies under control. Consider deep cleaning at least once a year or before special occasions to refresh your home.
Moving In or Out:
If your home has been empty for a while or you’re getting ready to sell it, you should definitely go for deep cleaning. Deep cleaning is essential when moving into a new home or preparing to leave a rental property to ensure it’s germ free and in top condition. 

 After home renovations or construction, vast amounts of dust are left behind on floor surfaces, baseboards, carpets, tiles, and high-touch surfaces. Deep cleaning is necessary to remove dust, debris, and disinfecting surfaces.

Preparation for Special Occasions:

 Getting ready for a party or special occasion? Deep cleaning is ideal before hosting events or special occasions, leaving your home in impeccable condition for guests. Make your guest feel comfortable and leave a good impression.

Transition to Easier Maintenance:

Once your home has undergone a deep clean, it becomes much easier to maintain with regular house cleaning services. You’ll find it simpler to keep surfaces clean and clutter at bay. All of our regular cleaning services begin with a deep cleaning for just this reason.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Service for Your Needs

In the battle of house cleaning vs. deep cleaning, both play essential roles in maintaining a clean and healthy home. Now that you understand the differences, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs. For day-to-day upkeep, house cleaning is the way to go. However, deep cleaning is essential for maintaining the long-term cleanliness, health, and durability of your home.

As a busy professional, you may find it challenging to keep up with both house cleaning and deep cleaning tasks. For the best results, consider a professional cleaning service like ours. At My Elite Clean, we offer both house cleaning and deep cleaning services tailored to your specific needs. The best part is, with My Elite Clean, When a client schedules a bi-weekly service, we give them free rotational deep cleans! Experience the difference and create a healthy haven for your family. If you are thinking about how to find the perfect house cleaning service, check out our blog, How Do I Find a House Cleaning Service?


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cleaning services in Kansas City

Cleaning Like a Professional House Cleaner


Cleaning Like a Professional House Cleaner

There is no one better to learn from than a professional house cleaner when it comes to keeping a clean and tidy home. My Elite Clean are skilled professional house cleaner who have mastered the art of transforming even the messiest of areas into flawless havens. So if you’ve ever been in wonder at the stunning cleanliness of a professionally cleaned space, you might think: “How can I achieve the same level of cleanliness in my own home?” In this blog, we’ll walk you through the process of how a professional house cleaner makes your home spotless and sparkling, so you can do it yourself.

Cleaning like a professional cleaner

1. Start by Creating a Cleaning Plan

Professional house cleaners are known for their meticulous cleaning techniques. Make a plan that reduces time waste rather than hopping from task to activity. Start your cleaning from the top and work down. Tackling one room at a time ensures you don’t miss any spots and helps maintain your focus. You can clean more effectively and prevent feeling overburdened by doing this.  This method ensures that no area is missed and that dust and grime aren’t spread everywhere. You can also create or print a cleaning checklist to make cleaning a bit easier. 
house cleaner gathering the right tool

2. Gather the Right Tools

Equipping yourself with the right cleaning tools is crucial for achieving professional results. As a professional house cleaner, we always come prepared with the right tools and supplies. Therefore, make sure you have all of your cleaning supplies prepared before you begin. This includes trash bags, a mop, a vacuum, all-purpose cleaner, a glass cleaner, microfiber cloths, and disinfectant wipes. Invest in high-quality cleaning tools too. Your cleaning process will go more quickly if everything is ready.

3. Declutter First


Declutter the area before beginning the cleaning process. Carefully organize the area before starting the cleaning process. Place unnecessary items in storage and arrange clutter. By taking this step, you can simplify the cleaning procedure and be able concentrate on cleaning surfaces rather than moving around objects.

4. Use the right techniques

As professional house cleaners, we are experts at using the right techniques for different surfaces. When cleaning, keep in mind to:

Dust before vacuuming:

Before cleaning the floors, dust the shelves and wipe down the surfaces. By doing this, dust is kept from accumulating on recently cleaned surfaces.

Spray and wait:

When using cleaning chemicals, especially on stubborn stains, spray the area and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping. This loosens grime and makes cleaning more effective.

When mopping:

To guarantee complete coverage without just moving dirt, use an “S” pattern

5. Pay Attention to Detail

Detailing is the secret weapon of a professional house cleaner. They are known for their meticulous attention to detail, and you should be too. Pay close attention to often overlooked areas such as baseboards, window sills, and light fixtures. Nooks and crannies harbor dust and grime that can diminish the overall cleanliness of your home. Use the attachments on your vacuum to reach These spots, and a moist cloth to remove dust and grime.

6. Regular Cleaning is Key

Lastly, consistency is key to maintaining a clean home. Maintaining a professionally cleaned home is an ongoing effort. Regular cleaning routines prevent dirt and clutter from accumulating, making future cleaning sessions easier and more effective. Make a cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, monthly, and even deep cleaning tasks. By staying on top of cleaning, you’ll avoid the need for marathon cleaning sessions.
So there you have it, your ultimate guide to house cleaning like a professional house cleaner. Remember, with the right mindset, dedication and approach, you can maintain a beautiful and organized home, just like how professional house cleaners do house cleaning. If you’re looking for more tips on house cleaning check out our blog, Which Home Cleaning Products Should I Use? Tips for Effortless House Cleaning


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Which Home Cleaning Products Should I Use?


Which Home Cleaning Products Should I Use? Tips for Effortless House Cleaning

Are you tired of spending hours on end looking for the right home cleaning products to keep your house clean? Well, you’re in luck! A healthy and clean home should always come first, but as a busy mom, you may find it challenging to choose the right home cleaning products that are effective, safe, and eco-friendly cleaning products.

When it comes to combating dirt and stubborn stains, using the right home cleaning products is crucial for achieving efficient and satisfactory results. We will guide you through the home cleaning selection process and discuss various home cleaning products that are suitable for different cleaning tasks. Whether you’re hiring a maid service or doing it yourself, these tips will help you make wise decisions.

home cleaning products

How to Get Ready for Cleaning:

Gathering the required cleaning tools is important before beginning the cleaning process. Some of the must-have house cleaning products for tackling dirt and stains include:

a.) All-Purpose Cleaners:

 When it comes to versatility, all-purpose cleaners are your go-to solution. Look for non-toxic, biodegradable, and eco-friendly options that are free from harsh chemicals like ammonia and bleach.

b.) Microfiber Cloths:

Ideal for dusting and wiping surfaces without leaving streaks.

c.) Scrub Brushes:

These are efficient at removing and eliminating dirt and stains from a variety of surfaces.

d.) Stain Removers:

Specialized products designed to combat tough stains on carpets, upholstery, and fabrics.

e.) Baking soda:

A natural abrasive cleanser and deodorizer for foul odors.

f.) White vinegar:

A excellent all-natural cleaner for getting rid of dirt and mildew.

House cleaning products

Discover the secrets of effortless house cleaning

Getting Rid of Stubborn Stains, Dirt and Grime:

a.) Kitchen Surface Grease Stains:

Grease stains are a common problem for kitchen surfaces. Use a degreaser or a solution of water and white vinegar to remove them. To remove the grease, apply the solution to the stain and gently scrape the area with a scrub brush. Rinse with water and pat dry.

b.) Tough Grease and Grime on Dishes:

I use Thieves Dish Soap to make cleaning dishes an easy and pleasant experience. It’s an incredibly effective home cleaning product plus it won’t overdry your hands and it is gentle on your skin. Smells amazing!

c.) Counters and Surfaces:

Begin by cleaning surfaces and counters with a Thieves cleaner. To remove dirt and grime, let it sit for a short while. Wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth, making sure to completely remove any residues. Thieves is an all-natural disinfectant that is both safe for people and animals.

The kitchen is often the heart of the home, and keeping it clean is essential for food safety and a pleasant cooking environment. Choose kitchen cleaners that are tough on grease and grime but gentle on surfaces.  Natural options like citrus-based cleaners can be an excellent choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

d.) Wine Stains on Upholstery:

While wine spills on upholstery can be a pain, they are not impossible. Use a clean cloth to blot the stain to absorb as much wine as you can. Apply a solution of a little dishwashing liquid and water on the stain. Gently blot the stain until it begins to lift.

e.) Carpets:

Thoroughly vacuum the carpets to get rid of any loose debris. If you encounter stubborn stains, use a stain remover designed for carpets. Apply the stain remover according to the product instructions, blot the stain gently with a clean cloth, and avoid rubbing the carpet to prevent spreading the stain.

Carpets and upholstery can trap dirt, allergens, and odors over time. Regular house cleaning is crucial to maintain their appearance and keep your home healthy. Consider eco-friendly options and, if possible, hiring a maid service with expertise in carpet cleaning for a thorough and deep clean.

f.) Floors:

Before mopping hard floors, sweep or vacuum up any dirt and debris. Use a microfiber mop to clean the floor after diluting an appropriate floor cleaner with water. Consider products that are non-abrasive, pH-neutral cleaners and leave no residue. Avoid using excessive water, as it can seep into the floor and cause damage over time.

g.) Window and Glass Cleaners:

Look for glass and window cleaners specifically formulated to remove dirt, grime, and fingerprints without leaving behind residue or smudges. Opt for ammonia-free alternatives to ensure the safety of your family and to prevent damage to tinted windows and consider using microfiber cloths for optimal results.

h.) Bathroom Cleaners

Look for a toilet bowl cleaner that has powerful cleaning agents to remove stains, mineral deposits, and bacteria. Vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide-based cleaners can be effective alternatives for natural cleaning. I personally recommend Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Bathroom Cleaners. They offer a wide range of options, from cleaners to surface scrubs, making them ideal for shower doors, tubs, tile, toilets, and sinks in the bathroom.

Choosing the right home cleaning products

Choosing the right home cleaning products is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment for your family. Consider eco-friendly options, and be mindful of the specific cleaning needs of different areas in your home. Additionally, if you want to experience the difference, hiring professional maid services can help alleviate the burden of cleaning tasks and ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning experience. Remember to read cleaning product labels, follow instructions, and store cleaning products safely out of reach of children and pets.  

If you want to achieve a spotless and healthy home without sacrificing your precious time as a busy mom, let someone else do the housework. Check out How Do I Keep The Home Clean? House Cleaning for Busy Moms.


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cleaning services in Kansas City Maid services Professional Cleaning Services Residential Cleaning Services in Kansas City

Find a House Cleaning Service in Kansas City?


How Do I Find a
House Cleaning Service?

You’ve been thinking that’s simple. Today’s technology and world make anything possible. However, when it comes to our family’s safety and cleanliness, we choose carefully what’s best for them. When it comes to hiring a house cleaner, you need to consider different factors before choosing and trusting a cleaner to go into your home.  Keeping your home clean and tidy is essential for a comfortable and healthy living environment. However, with our increasingly busy lives, finding the time and energy to thoroughly clean your house can be a challenge. That’s where hiring house cleaning services comes in.
Searching for house cleaning service

So how do I find house cleaning services?

You’ve probably never thought about the question before and are probably wondering, “How will I find a perfect house cleaning service?” Well, you have come to the right place! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of finding the perfect house cleaning service that meets your needs, ensuring a clean and organized home that you can be proud of.

Determine what house cleaning service you need

It’s necessary to evaluate your specific cleaning needs before looking for house cleaning services. Take into account the size of your house, the areas you want cleaned, and any particular services or needs you may have. You can choose a house cleaning company that provides the correct range of housekeeping services specifically designed for your home by determining your cleaning needs.

Ask for recommendations​

Finding a trustworthy house cleaning service by asking friends, relatives, or neighbors for suggestions is one of the best methods to do it. Ask them about their past experiences using cleaning services. Personal referrals can offer insightful information about the reliability and quality of a house cleaning company giving you confidence in choosing one. Finding a house cleaning service that has an established track record and has completed high-quality work for people you know can increase your confidence in who you are hiring.

Ask for recommendation

Research and check online reviews

Spend some time researching and reading online feedback on various house cleaning services in the area. Pay attention to both positive and negative reviews to get a balanced view of the service’s strengths and weaknesses. This can give you a sense of the quality of work the service provides and how satisfied customers have been.

Ask and Inquire about services and pricing

Get quotations from several house cleaning companies. By doing so, you can compare costs and pick a service that is within your pricing range. Ask the house cleaning service you are considering about the variety of services they provide. Make sure their services are in line with your specific needs. Additionally, to maintain transparency and prevent any unforeseen expenditures, ask for a detailed breakdown. 

Visit their website and social media channels

You may check their business’s work, trustworthiness, and credibility via websites and social media platforms. You will probably get the majority of the answers you’re looking for on their website and social media profile. Check out their services, deals, and promotions to see if anything fits your needs. Additionally, you can communicate directly and ask questions.

Bonus tip

Look for a house cleaning service that is committed to professionalism. A company that is bonded and insured, keeping both clients and company secure throughout the entire cleaning process. And finally, a house cleaning service that takes pride in their work and believes in giving back to its community. Just like My Elite Clean.

Finding the perfect house cleaning service that offers services that fits to your needs can be a game-changer for maintaining a clean and organized home without the hassle. By following this guidance, you’ll be prepared to find a trustworthy and qualified house cleaning service that answers to your specific needs. Remember, a clean home is a happy home, and with the appropriate house cleaning service by your side, you can enjoy the benefits of a spotless living environment while saving time and energy for the things that are most important to you.

If you are looking for janitorial services, we also offer commercial cleaning services as well. Check out How Does a Clean Break Room Boost Productivity in the Workplace.


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cleaning services in Kansas City Maid services Professional Cleaning Services Residential Cleaning Services in Kansas City

A house cleaning company near you?


Looking for a house cleaning company near you?
Is hiring a cleaner worth it?

These are valid questions! People genuinely want to know if what we do is worth their hard earned money.

 If you’ve ever searched for “a house cleaning company near me”, then you’ve seen just how many results come back. Just how do you choose? We’re going to spend the next few blogs sharing some of the answers to your top questions about house cleaning companies, including “is hiring a cleaner worth it?”

MEC- Is Hiring a Cleaner Worth It

So is hiring a cleaner worth it?

To answer this question we first need to look at what a good cleaner does when they come to  clean your home. A typical cleaning company would include the following services in their standard packages. Now this may not be what everyone does, but it’s definitely what the professional service providers I know do.

  • General dusting
  • All floors; sweep/vacuum and mop
  • Clean moving glass (front and sliding doors)
  • Clean exterior of kitchen appliances (plus interior of microwaves)
  • Wipe light switch plates
  • Empty trash cans as needed
  • General straightening completed
  • Kitchen and bathroom sinks, countertops, toilets, shower, tub (clean, sanitize, polish) as well as all glass, mirrors. and chrome

Ok, so now we have a basic idea of what they will do when you hire a cleaner to clean your home. So now let’s look at the time you save by letting someone else do the housework. Let’s consider how many other things you can accomplish in the time you would spend cleaning before you hired a cleaner. Look at all the time you just freed up to spend with your kids, or to look after yourself.

I know, I know. “But hiring a cleaner is expensive”. We hear it all the time. But take a second look at that list above. How long would it take you to do all of that cleaning? Would you enjoy it? Could your time be better spent doing something – anything else – besides cleaning?

When was the last time you did something for just you?

Let’s face it, as moms, wives, employees, even employers we are always putting others first and leaving ourselves at the very bottom of the “take care of” list. You know what I’m talking about. The kids “need” to have that new game, your spouse must have those new golf clubs, even the dog gets a spa day before you’d ever think of doing something for just you. So why not spoil yourself just a little and let someone else clean up the house for you? Think about what hiring a cleaner means for you. Someone else can empty those smelly garbage cans, clean the toilets and mop the floors. Sounds good, right?? You are finally taking care of you!

Still not quite convinced that
hiring a house cleaning company near you is worth it?
Keep Reading!

What will you do with this new found free time?

I can think of a few things now that you are hiring a cleaner!

  • Read that book that you have wanted to ready for ages
  • Grab a glass of your favorite wine and sit out on the patio enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
  • Go to the gym (or not!)
  • Have lunch with some friends you have seen in forever
  • Take a nap! (Don’t worry, we won’t tell!)
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Do a little gardening
  • Explore the City

Whatever you want really! This is time you are creating just for yourself, so don’t even think of trying to justify it to others. Just grab it, enjoy it and have no regrets. You have earned this after all. Hiring a house cleaning company near you is worth it! There is no doubt about it.

Do you want more information on what a cleaning service can offer you? Check us out. Remember, we also offer office cleaning services as well. Let us help with 3 Company Events that Require Professional Cleaning Services.


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cleaning services in Kansas City Maid services

Mom Smarter, Not Harder


Mom Smarter, Not Harder

Five easy ways to manage everything on your (very) full Mom plate
Juggling full-time jobs, trying to get kids up and ready for school, taking care of everything in the house (the laundry is piling up again!) – it’s no wonder we are ex-haust-ed. And we haven’t even mentioned the invisible list of “stuff” no one knows about but still has to get done around the house. The Avengers have got nothing on you, Mom!  And while this is a testament to your awesomeness, being a “superhero” can also take its toll. It’s okay to admit it. Juggling can be a struggle, Mom!
Mom smarter, not harder MEC
Mom smarter, not harder - its ok to lighten your load mom

It’s OK to lighten your load, Mom!

“But I’m a mom. Being busy is part of the package.”

“If I don’t do it, who will?”

“I’d feel guilty if I hired someone to do that.”

We’ve all been there! Let me remind you again:

“It’s okay not to do everything yourself.”

Reread it one more time. 

“It’s okay not to do everything yourself.”

You see, the problem with getting everything done is that chances are, you won’t. You’ve only got a limited number of hours per day (and time travel hasn’t been invented yet). And when you do get close to getting it all done, you end up burnt out, exhausted, a little (or a lot) snappy, and resentful that you have to do it all again tomorrow. Because as you know, there are no holidays for moms. 

So what are your options? How about, Mom smarter, not harder.

Five ways to save time by sharing the load

1. Team up and ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Just because your daughter needs to get to soccer doesn’t mean you have to be the one to drive her. Coordinate with other parents on the team and see how you can set up a carpool—taking turns once a week can save you a lot of time and free you up to do other essential tasks, or even sit with a magazine and some good tunes. What’s great about this approach is it also works for helping with homework and even meal prep (lasagna exchange, anyone?).

2. Delegate household chores to your kids and partner

Kids (and spouses!) can learn a lot from doing chores themselves. They can even gain an appreciation for how much you do on the daily. To keep them on track, create a board with a checklist of all tasks and their deadlines. Increase the fun factor with rewards for a job well done!

By the way, don’t forget to give them a proper “orientation” on getting chores done. Or you’ll find yourself fixing it later.

3. Get organized and use technology to automate tasks

There are apps for virtually everything these days—from keeping track of chores to scheduling who needs a ride and even your grocery lists. Stay organized and remind everyone of what needs to be done. Apps can help you stay on track without lifting another finger.

4. Arrange for a babysitter

Sometimes all you need is a couple of hours to get things crossed off your list. So when the kids are home and you are running short on time, call in reinforcements. Make arrangements with other moms in the neighborhood to take turns to watch your kids. Know a young adult looking for babysitting gigs? Keep them on speed dial. If Grandma is close by, watching the kids is likely one of her favorite pastimes!

Arranging childcare can be a total time and sanity saver for those days where there are just too many things going on. 

5. Tag in the professionals

Sometimes there aren’t enough hands or hours in a day to get everything done, like buying milk and bread for breakfast. But that’s okay. There are options like grocery pick-up and delivery services available that are huge time savers. You can also hire cleaning services like our experienced team at My Elite Clean. We’re the affordable and efficient white-glove cleaning service that clients trust. Because we make it easy (and stress-free) to keep your home sparkling and fresh. Be the envy of all your friends. They will want to know how you do it all and still have time for R&R!

Time to tackle tomorrow, better!

Congratulations, Mom! You’ve made it through another day. We know that there never seems to be enough time in the day for housework between work and taking care of the family. That’s why our professional team of detailed-oriented cleaners is standing by, ready to sweep your home back into shape. 

So if you’re ready to cross off “clean the house” on your to-do list, Book Us Today. 

We’ll take care of everything, while you enjoy well-deserved rest!

Need a few more pro cleaning tips? Check out Even the Pros Have Messes to Clean Up.


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Well, we’ve got the answers! Wondering how to give us access to your home or how we take care of your furry friends? Then click the button below!

cleaning services in Kansas City Maid services Professional Cleaning Services Residential Cleaning Services in Kansas City

Love is in the air at Casa de Myers

What does LOVE have to do with house cleaning?!


Love is in the air all around us this time of year!

Valentine’s Day brings out the romance in all of us, and Casa de Myers is no exception!

We love Valentine’s Day and the fact that you get to show your love for not just your spouse (although he is pretty fabulous!), but also for the rest of your loved ones – sons, daughters, and especially grandkids! Although we like to do the typical flowers, dinner and candy, we also love to spoil our grandkids just a little (ok, a lot!). I’m not sure how much their mom appreciates the sugar high, but that’s the job of a grandparent isn’t it? Wind them up and send them back to their parents.

love is in the air at casa de myers xl

Rod and I love the time we get to spend with each other on Valentine’s Day and we are thankful each and every day to have our family, friends and each other. With the busy lives we all seem to live in today’s hectic world, finding time to spend with your loved ones can be tough with everything else going on in life. From running the kids from this activity to that activity, working, volunteering and making sure the house is presentable, it can be a challenge to squeeze in time for what really matters.

show your house a little extra love

Why not let My Elite Clean take some of the pressure off. We can’t drive your kids around, but we can make sure your house is spotless when you get home! And really, why not put a little love in the air by having us come and clean the house for you as a gift to yourself! There is no better gift than freeing yourself of some of the mundane tasks that take up so much of your precious time. Let us do it for you! Plus, it is Valentine’s Day after all, so why not show your house a little extra love!

Contact My Elite Clean to start your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning and give yourself the freedom from housework that you deserve. We have packages that fit every budget and we would love to take house cleaning off your plate! If you aren’t quite ready to commit to a weekly/bi-weekly schedule, why not try out our service by having us come and do a deep, one-time cleaning for you? It will let you see if you like our service and you’ll get to experience that feeling of coming home to a sparkling clean home. I’m pretty confident that once you have experienced it, you will want to enjoy it again and again!


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Well, we’ve got the answers! Wondering how to give us access to your home or how we take care of your furry friends? Then click the button below!